Machine Gun Kelly's Tattoo Removal Process To Play Tommy Lee In 'The Dirt' Was Pretty Wild

There’s not much I can really add to this video more than I already did in my headline, but I just found it to be a pretty fascinating watch in one of those “oddly satisfying” ways. Later on in the movie, when Tommy starts becoming covered in tattoos of his own, this process apparently got even more extensive and time consuming, as all of those had to be applied as well.

Gotta say, though, what may have been annoying as hell at the time was all worth it in the end, because Machine Gun Kelly stole the damn show in ‘The Dirt’ and probably opened a ton of eyes to the fact that he’s actually an awesome actor.

After digging a little more into his world post-‘Dirt’ involvement I’ve actually become a bit of a fan of his as well. He seems like a genuinely awesome dude.

Here’s a video of him facetiming all of his buddies who’ve never seen him without tattoos as a little cherry on top to this blog…

…which is so damn wholesome it hurts.

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